So I finally did it.  I was really tired of trying to make things work in a house that’s just too small.  There are so many functions the house has to serve and I just can’t squeeze everything in.  6 rooms just isn’t enough space.  Especially when the man works from home.  So I put down the money for an addition.  A pretty big one too.  If everything goes as planned, it will be two stories and additional 3 rooms.

So far, we’re thinking a master suite and a bigger office.  I’m really hoping we’ll be able to take the space from the 3rd room though, (which will be off the kitchen) and just open it up, effectively doubling the size of the kitchen.  Small kitchens are the worst.  Especially when they are closed off in the corner of the house.

I would just love for my little house to look a little something more like this:

Victorian home by Jackie Craven

(Photo ©2005 Jackie Craven via

I got pretty lucky though, and the whole thing is going to be pretty inexpensive.  The construction at least, I haven’t estimated the costs of the finishes yet.  But, in total so far, we’re at $15.

We’re doing it old school Sears & Roebuck style with a kit.

Dollhouse kit

Okay, we’re adding on to the dollhouse, not the real house.

Lafayette Dollhouse

My two houses have even more in common than I thought: both only have 6 rooms and neither have a single closet.  Oh well.  I’ll dream about having a bigger little Victorian while I’m adding on to the little Colonial.

The kit was a steal.  Only $15 at Goodwill.  I am a little nervous though, because I have never built one before and it didn’t come with instructions.  I did find one copy of them online. They are a little hard to read.

Lafayette Dollhouse Instructions

But they will be better than nothing!  I have a feeling I’ll be emailing the master mini builder Meagan @ Tiny Fixation more than a few times for help.

I’ve had it for a couple weeks now and haven’t even popped out any of the pieces.  Still just staring at it like a deer in headlights and then walking away.  I’ll get brave soon.  Maybe later this week.  Wednesday night sounds like a good night.

Ever built any dollhouses before?  Any tips?


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  1. I first thought that you cannot be serious 🙂 and you weren’t. Looks like a really nice project. I’m sure you can figure it out, even when the instructions are a bit unclear.

    BTW. when you say six rooms does it include kithen and bathroom? Here we say the number of bedrooms and livingrooms together, the kitchen and batroom are not counted in, those are assumed to be there anyway. So my home would be 3 rooms + kitchen + bathroom.

    1. You know me too well. 🙂

      Yes, here (as far as I know anyway) the kitchen and bathroom are counted as rooms, so they are included. Oh, just realized I forgot to include the powder room in that. Would that be 6 1/2 rooms since it’s only 3′ x 6′? 🙂

  2. Ha! By “master mini builder” you must mean “crazy hack with an unfair lucky streak”. Those instructions look a bit used, and not how they were supposed to. It appears they made a better dropcloth than valuable directions 🙂 They could be helpful though. Also, the tab and slot construction might help guide the right pieces to the right places. It’ll be easier than you think.
    Goodwill is my favorite store. I always look for dollhouse stuff, but rarely see any. Nice find!

    1. That’s a good point, the tabs probably will help.

      I look for dollhouse stuff at Goodwill every time I go (often!) and the only two things I’ve ever seen there were the two houses I purchased.

  3. Just discovered your blog today. I’ve been reading all day. You even inspired me to get my front porch chairs painted today! I was intrigued by your first doll house . But now you’re starting on a second one. My husband started one for me 15 years ago and it never got finished. Now I am getting some inspiration. I’m a great-grandma 4 times over and would love to have it finished before it’s too late to do anything! I don’t have a website – too busy reading other people’s blogs to get fired up and inspired. Love what you did with your live- in house also. Thanks for all the great reading!

    1. Thanks so much, Kris! You made my day. 😀 Come back and share if you get back to work on your dollhouse, we’d love to see!

  4. Pingback: Gutting the dollhouse
  5. That kit is the same one I’ve had as a child, and now I’m re designing it- it drives me crazy, there’s barely any room for a kitchen w/ table and chairs. I have a crib/queen size bed upstairs but everything is so crammed. The stairwell is something I’m trying to move to the left so there’s more room for couch/chairs and entertainment console in the living room. I am not sure how to go about cutting out existing upstairs floorboard and patch in flooring where the cutout already is.
    Have any of you attempted that sort of thing?