I’ve been dying to dip something. Banana leaf baskets would be so cool, but I just can’t bring myself to do it. Baskets are just too pricey for me to do something so trendy to. This adorable bowl, however, was a different story.
It only cost:
Because Goodwill likes to write on wood with black markers.
Back to dipping. I sanded the little cutie, then cleaned it very well. Because I didn’t want to dump the paint into another container and then have to throw the unused paint away. I know, it’s not a good idea to put objects directly into the paint can, but wasting stinks. (Mom, don’t let Dad see this post.)
A bowl of mint-dipped cuteness.
I let it dry on parchment paper (because I didn’t realize I was out of wax paper). It worked. I didn’t notice until this picture that the bowl is very similar in shape to the little white bowls in the background. I wonder if there is anything I own that isn’t a little quirky. Hmmm.
I excitedly showed hubby (who isn’t yet on board with the dipping trend) and he replied “It looks like you dropped it in a paint can.”
Here it is hard at work on my still unorganized and unstyled shelf, holding lables for my shop.
The can of paint was from the Oops section, as usual. I went in planning on buying a quart of mint paint and found a whole gallon for only $7. It was purchased, and used, for many other projects so far. So the total for this little project was less than $1.50.
(Today’s post was supposed to be more front porch projects being accomplished, but not much has been accomplished since last Thursday. We did start laying down weed barrier in the flower bed yesterday, and I got some flowers planted in pots, but there’s nothing to look at yet, hopefully by Wednesday.)
Anyway! How do you feel about the dipping trend? Have you tried it yet?
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