Last week was the blog’s 2nd anniversary.  It looks like a tradition of re-designing the blog around it’s anniversary has begun, it wasn’t planned, but it sounds good to me!  (If you’re reading in email or a reader, feel free to come check it out and let me know what you think!)

How about a look back on what has happened in the last year?

  • One year ago on Thursday, I stopped being grumpy and complaining that someone didn’t do what they said they were going to do and decided to do something about it.  I announced I’d be picking up (in an infinitely smaller way) where another blogger left off and obviously wouldn’t be returning to, that post is here.
  • After realizing the decor in our house was not cohesive, I put together a whole-house mood board.  This is especially helpful right now as we are deciding what to do with the dining room.

Whole house mood board | Little Victorian

  • We began and finished work on our living room (though we’re now shopping for new furniture).  Here is the before and after:

Living Room before | Little Victorian

Living Room Makeover | Little VictorianVictorian Living Room Makeover

  • I began my series on the basic principles of interior design, Design, Basically.  Recently, I realized that I stopped the column without even saying anything.  I didn’t mean to do that.  Those posts were some of my favorites to write, in fact, I have dozens more posts started, things that I really get excited about (and have way too much to say about).  The problem is that they take a whole lot of time to write.  In the last year, I have taken on a lot of projects and I am working to simplify and prioritize my activities right along with our stuff.  And I will get back into the Design, Basically column this year.
  • We finished our powder room remodel

Powder room before and after | Little Victorian

Dollhouse remodel | Little Victorian

  • We gave our kitchen a makeover

DIY kitchen before and after | Little Victorian

  • And we began our basement overhaul. I’ll have a paint brush in my hand all day tomorrow.   It looks so much different right now, can’t wait to show you!

Looking forward to another great year of remodeling, learning and sharing.  Thanks for hanging out here, you make it so much fun!

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