We had a whirlwind trip over the break visiting family and friends in two states. It was all way too short. There was only one full day to see old friends, some we didn’t get to see at all and the rest, we didn’t get nearly enough time with. But it was all wonderful.
We stayed with my parents for a few days and I brought a section of my dollhouse flooring with me so Dad could teach me how to make it look really old and worn. (There will be a tutorial as soon as I can duplicate the results.)
Mom and I finished up a second month of the Minimalists’ game this week and got rid of 496 items each. We are taking January off, and hopefully, we’ll use that time to actually get rid of all those things. The items that haven’t gone into the trash have been boxed and bagged up, but many still need to be sold or given away. A few items are still on our front porch. Because we’re classy like that. We do plan, however to do it again in February. Maybe I’ll make a Flickr gallery for it as Leena suggested. Anyone want to join us?
I also signed up for Apartment Therapy’s January Cure, but then the Day 1 assignment came through:
Create a Project List…do a walkthrough of your home and make notes on any trouble spots as you move through each room.
Trouble spots–that would be most of our house right now. Our January Cure will probably wait until February or March.
So that’s what we’ve been up to for a couple weeks, and now it’s back to projects-as-usual!
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A small bathroom update
Simplifying the wardrobe
Orderly housekeeping (+ a funny fail)
Never buy a klutz a fountain pen