I’m working on a big bulletin board for my office right now, so when I saw a post on pretty DIY push pins, I got really excited.  Today’s cute mini project came from The Life of Jennifer Dawn.  She has lots of great ideas on how to make inexpensive thumb tacks really cute.  I decided to go with the glitter push pins.  She does have other ideas that I might have liked even better, but THESE are glitter.  See, The Hubs is very much anti-glitter.  Since my office is the only place The Hubs doesn’t have to live in, I need to use as many glittery accents as is reasonable.  How much is “reasonable” is still to be determined.

DIY glitter push pins

It’s a really simple project: On a paper plate, put a pile of craft glue, then a pile of each color glitter you’d like to use.  Dip a thumb tack in glue, then blot off the excess on the plate, and dip it in your glitter.

I made gold and white at first.  The white turned out kind of dull and not so sparkly, but they’re still cute.  Very snowy looking.

DIY glitter push pins

Then I couldn’t stick to one color any more and decided to double dip.  I like the gold and black best. 

dipped black and gold glitter push pins

Don’t forget to shake off the excess glitter before using your pretty new push pins, otherwise you’ll end up like me with glitter in your eye.  Because, apparently I’m 5 and everything ends up in my eye. 

Are there any in Jennifer’s tutorials you’d like to try?  The flowers are my second favorite, and the buttons would be so cute for a sewing or craft room!


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