Pretty big change in plans for the dollhouse this week.  As I mentioned, I purchased a new kit that I was planning to use as an addition to the old house.  But for some reason, when it comes to dollhouses, building the actual structure itself sucks all the fun right out of it for me.  I have zero interest in that part.  I was struggling to get my mystery pieces to fit together and just not looking forward to the whole project.

So, I’ve abandoned the addition for now.  And in keeping with the “Urban” title I have going on, I had a big new idea for my old dollhouse.  I’m starting by gutting it.

Dollhouse demolition

I was really surprised at how little structural support the center walls and stairs provided.  I had pillars already in place when I demolished the walls, but the house seemed just fine.  The pillars will still go in so there isn’t unnecessary stress on the structure, but it’s a relief to know how sound the house is.

Open floorplan dollhouse

It’s looking a whole lot different than last year and I’m really excited about that.

The first floor stairs will be going back in, just in a different location and the second floor stairs will be replaced with the spiral set from the other dollhouse kit.

The debate today has been whether or not to tell you about my plans yet.  I think I’ll save it as a surprise for now.  Hope it will turn out as awesome as it is in my head!

For those who have joined the challenge, how is your project coming along?  And for those who haven’t joined yet…why not?  You don’t like $100 gift cards?

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  1. You’re not alone on the, building the actual house sucks the fun out of it, thing. I held off on joining in because I thought I was going to have put together a kit, and knew I wasn’t going to get that done by May.

    Luckily, I have my cupboard to decorate instead.

  2. there seems to be a lot of gutting going on, I have never built from scratch, so don’t know how painful it is, my issue is mostly too many ideas so my brain just explodes into procrastination and I get _nothing_ done!

    I’m voting for keeping us all in suspense – but I also want constant updates, so not sure how those two work together!

    1. Totally know what you mean about too many ideas. Then I end up staring at the dollhouse trying to figure it out and then just walking away.

      Hmm, suspense and updates, I’ll work on that for you. 🙂

  3. Demo!! Love it. Can’t wait to watch the renovation.
    I’ll email you a link when I start. I have big plans but no time until the new year to start. Love watching your progress. 😀