We had too much going on last week to make any progress on the One Room Challenge bedroom makeover (click here to see our first 2 weeks).  I did get the walls and most of the ceiling primed, but that was it.  This week, however was much different.

Here’s what it looked like a couple weeks ago:

panel walls before


The grooves in the paneling have all been filled so they look like real walls.  Everything was sanded and primed and the walls and moulding have been painted (partially).  Everything still needs a second coat, and still some cutting-in, but I love the color combination of the light stone walls and the almost-black trim!

I already had a quart of the navy-black in semi-gloss, but after testing it out, I went for satin finish instead.


The ceiling still isn’t painted. ? I was supposed to do that before painting the walls, but I ran out of white paint and the work had to continue.

I was sooo, so happy to paint over all 4 colors that were in the kitchen area with the same color as the walls.  And I actually think it’s a pretty cute kitchen now!  Too bad it’s in the bedroom and not our actual kitchen.



We’re still trying to figure out a way to minimize the kitchen look and utilize the space for something practical.  It turns out kitchen cupboards make horrible clothing storage, and we still don’t have a place to put our clothes.

Still to do:

  • Second coat of paint on walls and moulding
  • Paint ceiling white
  • Paint doors in wall color
  • Paint window frames white
  • Makeover bed frame
  • Makeover night stands
  • Replace yellow mini blinds with bamboo (curtains are still back at the other house) 🙁
  • Buy dresser/make clothing storage
  • Decorate

Totally doable in 2 weeks, right?  Click here to see all the other participants in this spring’s One Room Challenge!

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  1. wow! what a transformation. I love the dark window trims! beautiful! Stressful to get it all done on time right? I’m freaking out my ORC won’t make the deadline 🙂

    1. Oh yeah, we definitely won’t make the deadline…probably not even with half of what I hoped to do. But our rooms are still going to look a whole lot better than they did a few weeks ago!

  2. We had a kitchenette in our suite when we moved into our Queen Anne Victorian – what I call our Swedish suite or guest suite now. At some point, these two rooms ( with a 3/4 bath that NEEDS renovated) will be our master suite. We got rid of the stove, which probably wasn’t safe to use. We bought a little refrigerator (almost counter-height). Now we’re going to move our laundry room upstairs into the big room with the kitchenette so my husband took down the wall cabinet and cut out part of the base cabinet and built a closet for the washer and dryer. The wall cabinet will go over the washer and dryer in the closet. ( You have a lot more cabinets, though!) We’re keeping our sink cabinet and getting rid of the sink in the tiny bathroom so we can have a bigger shower. Maybe you could use your (kitchen) area as a dressing room/laundry room. Your bedroom is looking great. I like that dark trim – so much classier than the common white!

    1. The laundry room in the bedroom would be so nice. I hope you’ll blog about the suite renovtions when you get to them!