Hello again! After another round of apparent renovation-burn-out, the Hubs and I got some serious work done yesterday.

When we started the morning, I didn’t realize the burn-out-bug had left us yet, so I was expecting to just get something relatively small and non-blog worthy done like cleaning the basement–again. So when the Hubs left to run an errand, I asked what I should get started on while he was gone. He replied that I should empty out one of the kitchen cabinets to see how easy it would be to remove.

To which, my precise reaction was this:

YouTube video

We had been talking about working on the kitchen.聽 The Hubs had been sold on removing the cabinets and putting up open shelving, but it was still a “someday” type of project, especially since we still have so many random little (and big) projects to tackle.聽 But, we always seem to do it this way…when we’re knee deep and sick of working on one room, we start dreaming of what we could do with another.

At least we make progress right?聽 And it’s always been livable, annoying, but livable.

Back to the house…

Removing kitchen cabinets

I promptly emptied the cabinet.聽 And then I emptied the rest of them.聽 It couldn’t be hard to get them off the wall.聽 Once we’ve started “testing” the ease of removing the cabinets, we might as well finish and take them all down.聽 Am I right?

Besides, everything that was coming out of the cabinets fit onto our little breakfast table.

DIY Kitchen Renovation (3)

In only three hours, it went from that, to this:

Removing kitchen cabinets

You can’t tell from the photos, but it feels so big and open!聽 We are so happy we removed the cabinets in favor of open shelving.

We don’t have a range hood yet, or a backsplash.聽 Or the shelves or brackets.聽 First, I’ll have to clean up and patch the wall.

I haven’t planned the colors or anything yet, so I should probably get on that, huh?聽 There will be a kitchen mood board and/or an attempted Photoshop mock-up coming soon!

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  1. Loving your chairs and the open bright feel to the kitchen after getting rid of the cabinets! I think it will look great! And I totally understand when you talk about dreaming about a new project when you’re still working on another (and getting tired of that one). Haha! Glad I’m not the only one! 馃槈
    Hugs, Inge

  2. Wow your doggy can jump really high! So funny.
    Big change in only three hours. I think it’s good you started this, why postpone it. I’d rather do many project simultaniously than force myself finish something else first. It gives me a feel of choice, otherwise it would feel mandatory. And mandatory is no fun.

    1. That’s a good point, Leena. I do need to stop getting stressed out about the renovations (or lack of), looking at it that way will probably help a lot, thank you!

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