Our new kitchen shelves are finally installed.

DIY open shelving in the kitchen

As usual, we made adjustments to the plan as we went.  The shelves to the left of the stove were going to go all the way to the corner, but we liked it better with the shorter shelves, and there is still enough room for our dishes.

We couldn’t resist filling up the shelves immediately with our stuff, but they do have to come back down today so I can stain them.  We liked the color of the bare wood, but it’s a little too yellow, so we’re going to go with just one coat of the gray stain.

DIY open shelving in the kitchen

While the stain and top coat are drying on the shelves, I have some touch-ups to do on the wall, and I still have to paint the rest of the room.  Then, our mini kitchen remodel will be complete!

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  1. Mini!? kitchen remodel. It’s maybe not a massive kitchen remodel but not a MINI one either! So different to the old one. I love how open, airy and simple this is now. And the wall is perfect.

    1. Thanks Leena! 😀 I guess the list in my head is still just so big: new flooring, lower cabinets and counters, etc…