I didn’t do it on purpose.  Really.

So soon after finishing our basement laundry room, the washing machine broke.  It started acting up a couple weeks ago, and then last week, it just completely stopped cleaning the clothes.

The old washer and dryer came with the house.  While they worked fine all this time, we always hated that they were black (especially back when they were in the pantry!), it just sucked up so much light.  I was planning on painting them mint green to match the cabinet next to them, but decided to wait on that project when the washer started acting funny.

Before After (5-1)

So yesterday, we headed to the nearest scratch and dent appliance store (which happens to be in the next state, and that state does not charge sales tax…bonus!) and picked up this beauty:


It was 40% off the original price because of a scratch on the side.  Crazy.  We tested it out immediately after hooking it up and we love it.  And lucky for us, the local home improvement store has the matching dryer on clearance right now because it was a display model, so we’ll be picking that up tonight.

I’ll have to find another use for the rest of the mint green, because this set will not be painted.

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    1. I’d say I’m very happy, but the Hubs reads the blog, and the comments, so…

      It’s really a shame that the old one broke. 😉

  1. Much better in white. I just noticed on your picture that American washing machines look bigger than French ones.

  2. The implementation of the project to establish the updates in the laundry gave good results, which contributed to the optimal placement of objects. Now it is more comfortable here.