We have been working hard at a new craft room in the house for me (my newest toy really deserves a permanent spot).  I plan on posting later in the week with pictures and plans!

For now, as for finished projects (wish there were more of those around here): Our laptop has been homeless since we moved in.  I want it in the living room, but there is nowhere to store it when not in use, so it stays in the dining room, where I don’t want it.  I saw this and loved the idea of being able to wheel it around, along with things I like to keep with it, like my notebooks and planner.

I thought that a metal cart would be easy to find, but no.  Not at all.  I checked Craigslist regularly, I was at Goodwill weekly, and nothing.  And then I was suddenly gifted one by a friend who is moving!  I was confused when she continually offered me her “wagon,” but then she also refers to Etsy as Esty.  She’s cute.  🙂  Meet my new wagon:

And here it is refinished and painted a soft white to match our very neutral living room:

Yes, I forgot to cover up the wheels and it was too late by the time I noticed.  I will go back and touch them up with more paint.  I kind of like the white wheels.

And a bonus!  It’s proven to be an excellent table to take photos on for the Etsy shop.

I got another cart last week too.  But this one is wood and very 50s style, super cute.  It will be painted the same color and used as an end table in the living room.  Those photos will come as soon as I get it finished.

I also tackled this tiny project seen in a few places on the internet:

Doesn’t it stink that once you see something in a cute container, you just can’t store it in it’s original one anymore?

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  1. very cute ‘after.’ love it! especially the all white including wheels. I am also curious about your real life size decor. I got a peek of your brass coffee table and wondering what other cool furnishings you have 🙂

    1. It’s pretty amazing how much my house looks like my dollhouse (except, unfortunately, no hanging sofa) even though I intended to do them very differently. Every room is still so unfinished, but as soon as each room gets closer to “done,” I will definitely be posting them. Oh, and that brass coffee table was a STEAL, $20 at Goodwill. It really felt like I was stealing, I hung up on my own mother, grabbed it and RAN to the register.