Can you believe it’s February already?  January got away from me in regards to a few things I wanted to do–like set up a way for you to join me in the minimalist game.  In November and December, mom and I played, and got rid of a combined total of 1,922 items.

I wrote about the first month here.  And shared this picture of 465 items.

465 items

Here are 496 more from December:

496 total

We took January off so we could actually donate and/or sell all the items (that may or may not have happened…January just flew by).  But today is the 3rd, so it’s past time to start again!

I wanted to start a Flickr gallery that anyone could upload their photos to, but the logistics weren’t working out, so I started a Google+ community (click here to join!) instead.  I’m not too sure how to use Google+ yet, but adding the photos is pretty simple.

We’d love to have you join us!  We’re not strict or anything…it doesn’t have to be on the exact day (ours are sometimes a day or two behind), and you don’t have to finish the month if it’s too much.  You don’t even have to share pictures if you don’t want, you could just leave a comment and mention how many things (or what things) you got rid of that day.

It’s a challenge as the month goes on, but the results in our home have been priceless: each room is so much more relaxing and organized and easier to clean.  I’m guessing you’ll have more to get rid of than you thought, and as I’ve mentioned before: it’s addictive.

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  1. Yay! Really cool that you will take the minimalist game again. I will certainly join, although I know it will be a challenge, but that is good!
    Haven’t used google+ ever, I also have some studying to do.

    1. Again, I’m so glad you’ve joined, it’s even more motivation for the rest of us! And you’re ahead of me already… 🙂