Want to see what 465 items looks like?
For the month of November, my mom and I played a simplifying game together. On day one, we got rid of one item each. On day two, we got rid of two items, and up to day 30, when we got rid of 30 items each. Every day, we texted each other pictures of the items and in the end, we each tossed 465 things.
I’m a little exhausted, but we’re going for it again this month. After all, I’ve barely touched the attic yet. The house could probably burn down and we wouldn’t even remember what was up there.
From March (when we began simplifying) to October, we had probably gathered up about 4 or 5 dozen garbage bags full of stuff. And that was all before the game. I can say with confidence now, when you think you have one or two things you can get rid of, you probably actually have 1 or 2 hundred. As always, it feels so good to have that stuff out of the house. Each item gone makes it that much more peaceful. Think you could make it all the way through the month?
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Simplifying: the first yard sale
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Shred paper clutter, keep your house pretty