The more we get rid of, the more excited I get about getting rid of things.  I’ve mentioned a few times the piles and piles of things we’re getting out of our house.

We had a yard sale yesterday.

Can you believe that amount of stuff?!  For 2 people in a 1,200 square foot house?  And that wasn’t even all of it, we were still putting things out at this point.  We didn’t even put out the clothes we had because we didn’t think they would sell.

I’m still not nearly finished simplifying in the house, but it feels so good to have all that stuff out of our living space!

We only sold about 1/4 of the stuff, so the rest will be taken to a group yard sale next month.  At least it will only take us 2 trips to get it all there instead of the 3 it would have been.  So about 75% of the stuff is back in the crawl space.

We are just so far from the city, that I don’t think yard sales are worth the amount work they take anymore.  From now on, we’ll stick to Craigslist.  Especially since we never plan on having enough things in our house to have a yard sale again!

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  1. Ha, ha! Never have enough stuff to have a yard sale. I wish you luck, but unless you are the most disciplined person on earth, I don’t know how you’ll accomplish it! I took Tootie Pie to the beach and wondered where on earth the 43 pails, 5 beach balls, 3 beach umbrellas, and everything else we schlepped in our beach cart came from! First world problems!

  2. It was good you tried this anyway and 1/4 sold so well done! Now you know what works or doesn’t. Hope the group yard sale is a success.

  3. What a lovely home you have! I wonder what stories it can tell? I admire your energy and initiative with your yard sale, I will try to emulate you (but every time I look at my closets, I remember something else that needs to get done, true procrastination!)

    Cheers, Neen

    1. Thanks, Neen. I’d love to know the history of our home. I know exactly what you mean, but once you get started cleaning out, it’s addictive! 🙂

  4. Christina, that was one massive sale! I commend you even for gathering all of the items and going through the physical act of removing them from your house.