So, here’s the second cart I mentioned a while ago.  It was supposed to be done several weeks ago, but I messed up the paint job.  Twice.  I don’t even know how, but I did.  FYI: Old (50s? 70s?) veneer is really tricky to fix up.  It’s still not perfect and I want to redo it someday, but I’m done redoing it for now.  Here is what it looked like when I brought it home from the thrift store:

Oh yes, that says $15.  I love the shadows the side panels make.  And those brass casters.  Mmmm.

I was going to repaint the impatient way like usual, but I decided to do it right this time.  I took it apart, and laid it out to be sanded, primed and painted.

Distracted by the beautiful (yet very overgrown) pear tree in the front yard.

And here it is all finished and in it’s new position as a living room end table.  (Please excuse the dog butt.)

Please also pay no attention to the green curtains that don’t match anything, or the lamp that is too big and black for the space.  Or the painted floors that are chipping.  🙂  All things I’m working on replacing and fixing.  (You should see what’s behind the camera, ha!)

Now I just need to fix the curtain situation, get a new end table for the other side of the sofa and wait for my new wide-angle lens to arrive and I can share our still very unfinished living room with you.  

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  1. Hey Christina! I read a bit back on the older posts and I have to say girl you are a renovative machine!!!!You made an amazing job with all the painting and I truly loved the dog food plate solution! I on the other hand have trouble painting eggs, let alone furniture!!!I will show your blog to my mom, she will like it! I like it too!!! A lot! Take care!!!

  2. Hi, I noticed I’ve visited here couple of times but have never left a comment, sorry about that.
    I love the whiteness of this cart, I also love the earlier cart you re-did. But on this one I’m glad you didn’t paint the casters, brass looks just too good 🙂 I really enjoy seeing these transformations.

    1. I was really excited about the brass, if they had been silver, I would have painted them a brassy color. Thanks for visiting, I’m glad you enjoy them! 🙂

  3. I would say 60’s bar cart. I love it! i have this crazy urge to paint anything I rehab white too. i figure I’ll never tire of it. It turned out great. I soo want a bar cart, but I think I will have to wait until the baby is a little older. The casters would make me nervous :-/

  4. Looks so fantastic Christina!! Great job!! It’s hard to do things the ‘right way’ isn’t it?! Patience is not a virtue if mine 😉

    1. Thanks Courtney! Working every day on the patience, it’s finally starting to show itself. 🙂

  5. Looks so cute!! Now I’m feeling super inspired to finally go fix up my copy. Thanks so much for sharing!