The votes are in!  And I’m so excited to share them with you!

The competition was heated and someone managed to pull ahead at the very end.  It was fun watching all the numbers come in and it was hard not to share them with you as it was happening. 

Each winner will receive a gift card, be featured in and receive a one-year subscription to Miniaturas magazine. 

So here we go, the 3 winners of the 2013 Undersized Urbanite contest are:

3rd Place: Audra’s Chantilly

Audra did an amazing job with her pretty little 1/2 scale house.

She remodeled her little home, changing out the windows and doors, adding that large wrap around porch and balcony, and adding the gorgeous roof and more.

You can see more of Audra’s house here (including the before photos!).  Congratulations, Audra! 

2nd Place: Lyssa of Can’t Have it Big? Make it Mini!

Lyssa’s personalization of her house was so impressive.  Everything looks so cozy and lived-in.  This house was a complete remodel as well.

Lyssa loves miniatures for the same reason I do: it’s a chance to design and decorate your dream house.  And I love that one of her priorities in her dream house is a library with a gorgeous and cozy book nook. 

And the attic just kills me.

Go here to see more photos of Lyssa’s lovely house. 


1st Place: Brae of Otterine

Brae is amazingly talented.  She modified a basic house kit for her structure and built that deck (among many, many other things) from scratch.

Even the beautiful rug is cross stitched. 

Yes, the wood stove was also made from scratch:

Go take a more detailed tour of Brae’s artist studio if you haven’t yet.  And grab some coffee first because you’ll want to stay a while. 

Congratulations again to Brae, Lyssa and Audra!!!  And thank you to all the participants and finalists, it really was an honor to have you all. 

All of the participants and winners will remain listed here on the blog and on the Undersized Urbanite website

Planning for the second annual will be underway soon, if you’d like to be added to the list to be the first to hear when the details are out, please add your email to the box below.  I am hoping to make next year even more exciting with mini challenges and mini prizes along the way, and possibly a new winner category for newbies?  Sign up to find out!

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  1. Thank you so much!!! 😀 I’m so thrilled! Congrats to Lyssa and Audra and all the other contestants for a job very well done! And, thank you, Christina, for hosting a wonderful challenge!

  2. Congratulations to all the winners. Can you publish the results, I would like to know how my house did even if I didn’t win. Thank you.

    1. I made the decision before the contest began that the votes would not be made public. Thank you for your feedback on the subject, it is something I will take into consideration when planning for next years contest!

  3. congratulations to the winners and to all who participate. There’s a lot of work in customizing a kit or even building from scratch. You all deserve our compliments!!

    1. They certainly do, I thoroughly enjoyed every last project. I was constantly amazed and impressed with the skill and creativity everyone displayed.

  4. Congratulations to all three! What a superb contest this was, and Christina I think you hosted it amazingly. So Thank you!

  5. I voted only once, and my vote went to Brae. From the work on the outside (wow!!!) down to hand drawing the tile in the shower she was the clear winner, though you could definitely see everyone put in so much hard work and dedication to their little abodes.
    Great job everyone!

  6. Congratulations to everyone!!! It was so fun to see all of the builds, and they were all amazing. Thank you for letting me watch a great contest!

  7. Thank you to everyone that took the time to vote and vote correctly! I am honored to be a winner, alongside Brae and Audra. Congratulations to everyone that entered! And a big thank you to Christina for hostessing this contest!

  8. Not only did Brae deserve the win, but her blog kept everyone posted on her progress. So, I think we all felt a part of her build – or, at least I did. I had so much fun and was honored to be in everyone’s company. I cannot wait for next year, and this time, I have a plan!

    1. You already have a plan?! You’re going to make me feel like a slacker again, aren’t you? 🙂

  9. Congrats to the winners and thank you Christina for Hosting this, I had fun …it pushed me into doing something that I really didnt think I could do so I’m beyond Happy!



  10. I want to add my congratulations to everyone who participated, the finalists and the winner! This was an interesting contest and all those who submitted work, worked long and hard to complete their entries and deserve a standing ovation! Deadlines are not the easiest things to work within, and with the scope and the size and the complexity of some of the projects, it amazes me that they all got them done in time. That really means pushing yourself above and beyond whilst over-coming obstacles along the way as well as working the ‘real lives’. Well done Everyone! Thank you Christina and Congratulations Brae!
