Well, I unexpectedly took the long weekend off.  Sorry.  The post that was supposed to be posted last Friday took a lot longer to write than expected, so it will post this Friday instead. 

Last week, I told you about the large list of things we had to do around the house.  We expected to get some of them checked off with the long weekend.  We didn’t.  But we did get yard work done.

After we moved in, we built up a pretty large garden. 

We tried growing things there for 3 years, but keeping the grass out was a full-time job that I didn’t have the time or desire to do.  Besides, what the grass wasn’t killing, diseases and bugs were (they ate 6 whole heads of cabbage, 2 heads of broccoli and 2 heads of cauliflower–they were unstoppable).  We literally got nothing out of it except a few tomatoes. 

So yesterday, we pulled up all the landscaping timbers we had put in.  The beds had been raised slightly, so there is a small step, but it should even itself out soon. Thankfully, it was mostly filled in with grass already, and it was quite fun riding the riding mower down the whole thing once we had the timbers up.  🙂

I was going to go out and take some photos this morning, but it’s raining.   We have more work to do on the deck, so I’ll post some pictures of what the yard currently looks like soon. 

It was nice to get outside again and do some work in the sun.  Of course, we finished with horseshoes and frisbee.  Did you get any work done this weekend or was it all fun? 

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  1. I hear you–I am waiting until next year to put in a garden since I know whatever I plant will be eaten up by deer and other animals.

  2. I tried broccoli only once and it became infested with aphids. I’ve heard similar stories from other gardeners. It’s not just you!

    1. Ick. I do NOT miss the constant and fruitless battle with bugs and disease so far this year. Nice to know I’m not the only plant killer around. 🙂

  3. I too have a garden in the shticks ;P Mine is surrounded by fence or it would be gone by now.

    Have a look at “Companion Planting” I do this each year for pests and it does help quite a bit.

    ..for instance plant a few onions between carrots to deter carrot flies..etc

    Good luck with the garden 😉

    1. That’s how my mom’s garden was planted when I was a child. She used the book Carrots Love Tomatoes. I tried to apply it… Unfortunately, stink bugs and caterpillars didn’t seem to care.

  4. Haha, you removed the thing from your garden that I’m desperately trying to fit into my back yard 🙂
    But I don’t blame you, I get it.

    1. I’d give it to you if I could! 🙂 But you don’t have a black thumb like me, so if you can build one, I’m sure it will have more success than mine.

  5. Oh I’m sorry to hear your garden didn’t work out as planned. But three years- sounds like you gave it an honest go.